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Can laser engraving replace mechanical tool engraving

Upload to:09-01 2021
  With the development and improvement of the industry, hand-made woodcarving has been far from satisfying the demand of modern industrial consumption, and the carving equipment has thus entered the industrial period. The emergence of laser engraving machines has made the accuracy of engraving more precise, and the cost and speed have greatly increased. However, can laser engraving replace mechanical tool engraving?


  01 In terms of engraving precision, laser engraving is more accurate than tool engraving. Since the diameter of the laser engraving light source is very small, and the tool engraving itself has a certain knife width, the accuracy also implies the quality of the machine itself. The accuracy requirements of the tool.

  process sample

  02 Laser engraving is a non-contact processing object. For three-dimensional engraving, there is no need to fix the workpiece. The tool engraving is a contact engraving, so the workpiece is required to be fixed.


  03 Laser engraving is very good at engraving photos. It can indirectly engrave JPG-style photos, but tool engraving cannot do this.

  Because of these advantages of laser engraving, laser engraving is widely used, but this does not mean that laser engraving machines can replace mechanical cutter engraving machines~

samples (1).png

  disadvantages of laser engraving

  01 First of all, laser engraving is difficult to achieve deep engraving on metal materials, and it can only be engraved on the surface of the metal. The knife engraving machine can do certain deep engraving, even cutting.

  engraving machine tool

  02 Secondly, in plastic engraving processing, laser engraving can generate toxic gases, and a specific air purification system is required to discharge the exhaust gas into the air, while the knife engraving machine does not purify the air.

  From this point of view, the laser engraving machine and the mechanical cutter engraving machine play different roles in their respective strengths, and they are both irreplaceable.

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